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April 12 2023

What Is Blockchain?

Information Technology

Blockchain - a chain of blocks containing data, which in the 21st century creates new, revolutionary opportunities in matters of management and organization of operational processes.

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July 01 2023

What Is the Cryptocurrency?

Information Technology

Cryptocurrency transactions began after the creation of Bitcoin and have only gained momentum since 2010.

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July 05 2023

Business and the RA Constitution


We Solve law firm congratulates all of us on the one of the most important holidays in Armenia –RA Constitution Day. The RA Constitution was adopted on July 5, 1995 through a referendum, and then it was amended twice in 2005 and 2015. The best tribute of this symbolic day will be to raise awareness about the Constitution. Considering the fact that We Solve law firm provides services in the field of business, we have decided to present to you the constitutional regulations on business.

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